Mixture for Dry Locations

Mixture for Dry Locations

organic seeds
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Mixture for Dry Locations


In mixture:
- Achillea millefolium – yarrow

- Anthyllis vulneraria - kidney vetch
- Bellis perennis - daisy
- Campanula glomerata - clustered bellflower or Dane's blood

- Campanula patula - spreading bellflower

- Campanula rapunculus – rampion bellflower or rover bellflower

- Campanula rotundifolia - harebell
- Centaurea jacea – brown Knapweed
- Centaurea scabiosa - greater knapweed
- Coronilla varia - crownvetch or purple crown vetch
- Crepis biennis - rough hawksbeard
- Galium mollugo - hedge bedstraw or false baby's breath

- Hieracium aurantiacum -  orange hawkweed or devil's paintbrush

- Hypochoeris radicata - catsear or flatweed
- Knautia arvensis – field scabious
- Leontodon hispidus - bristly hawkbit or rough hawkbit
- Leucanthemum vulgare – ox eye daisy
- Linaria vulgaris - yellow toadflax
- Malva moschata – musk mallow
- Onobrychis viciaefolia – sainfoin
- Plantago lanceolata – english plantain or ribwort plantain

- Primula veris - cowslip

- Prunella vulgaris - selfheal or heal all herb
- Ranunculus bulbosus – St. Anthony's turnip or bulbous buttercup
- Rhinanthus alectorolophus – European yellow-rattle

- Rumex acetosella - sheep's sorrel
- Salvia pratensis – Meadow Sage or Meadow Clary
- Sanguisorba minor – salad burnet
- Scabiosa columbaria – Small Scabious or Pincushion Flower
- Silene flos-cuculi - ragged robin or cuckoo flower


Quantity: for 5 m2

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      AMARANT kooperativa d.o.o., Golišče 3 1281 Kresnice T: 01/563 92 36, E: narocila@amarant.si
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