Leek Atlanta (winter)

Leek Atlanta (winter)

organic seeds
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standard packet3,50 €ADD TO CART
2500 seeds
24,00 €
21,60 €
Lowest price in 30 days
21,12 €
10 000 seeds
56,28 €
50,65 €
Lowest price in 30 days
49,53 €
5x standard packet
12,00 €
10,80 €
Lowest price in 30 days
14,52 €

Leek Atlanta

Allium porrum L.


Quite late variety of leek which is suitable for harvest in winter and early spring. It makes 16-22 long thick stems with little or no onion-like formation at the roots. It has long blue-green leaves, it's very even and remunerative variety of leek.


We devide leek into two groups: autumn and winter leek. Autumn leeks are sown early in the spring and harvested in late summer and autumn. Winter leeks are sown in late spring and early in the summer and are harvested in winter. We do not sow leek in autumn (except for growing in greenhouses) because it has a very long growing season and it won't thicken until winter and will bloom in spring. It takes at least 6 moths from sowing to harvesting.


If we want long and thick stems, we shouldn't cover the seedlings when we plant them. With the handle of a hoe we make a deep hole in the ground, we put in a seedling and water it. We do not fill the hole with soil, but only leave the soil that gets in the hole after watering. If we put too much soil around the leek, it won't be able to thicken well. When the leeks are big enough, the stem can be covered with soil, so that the white part of the leek is longer.

Sowing time
Planting time
Harvest time
Distance between plants/rows
No. of seeds in 1g
Seeding rate per acre (100m2)
Needs watering
Goes well with
eggplant, strawberries, brassica, carrot, cucumber, pepper, tomato, letucce, celery, cammomille, schwarze Pfahl
Doesn't go well with
beans, peas, beetroot

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      AMARANT kooperativa d.o.o., Golišče 3 1281 Kresnice T: 01/563 92 36, E: narocila@amarant.si
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